Wednesday 17 December 2014

Question 2 video

This is the finished question 2. The question is about combining the 2 ancillary texts and the music video. We focused on explaining the question in detail instead of creating a parody of a programe to ensure the question was as detailed as possible. 


As we have come to the end of the project, as a group we have learnt many things that will help in the future, if members of the group are wanting to progess in uni or jobs. Many of the skills and qualites we have learnt or developed are being determinded when people have dropped out, being innoative when planning ideas for the music video, advert and digipak and photography (film capturing) when shooting the music video.

Furthermore, in this A2 media coursework we have finished it with a proffessional product, which can be shown to future employers or unis. This shows to an employer or uni that when we are given deadlines we can stick to them and achieve a proffessional product.

Evaluation deadline day

Today is the day that our evaluation of the each aspect of the project must be in. As this is our last piece of the A2 Media coursework we must finish on a high! Furthermore, was also needs to be handed in is the finished blog that shows all the planning and a guide throughout our project. 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Question 4 Antiques Roadshow Theme

We chose to use Antiques Roahshow as the theme for the majority of this question to add a sense of humour to the evaluation. This allowed us to analyse and discuss each piece of equipment in detail and explain how we used them. The common questions asked on the show relate around the purpose of the antique, the owners use for it and how good/effective it actually is. These questions were perfect for discussing the equipment as we explained our strong understanding of what they are used for, which shots we used them in and finally how they gave us an advantage over other methods.

We diccussed The Crane, The Dolly, The Shoulder Mount, Redhead Lighting, LED Lighting and the Dixon Camera. The setting we used was the Gazebo in the Courtyard, which helped to meet the posh conventions of the show.

The Day Before the Deadline Day

Today we are filming the finishing touches to be able to have less stress and hassel tomorrow. Manly we will be recording voiceovers for each question where it is needed. However, a lot of the editing will be needed to be done tomorrow which will cause stress levels to be high if someone is at the computer for 5 hours straight.

Monday 15 December 2014

Filming Question two and three

Today, we started and finshed filming question two and three. For question 2 we used the green screen as this questions is all about how the digipak and advert reinforces the conventions used in the music video. By using the green screen we were able to point to different principles on the products being talked about, to be able show the examiner excatly what we mean. We decided not to base it around a tv show or movies etc, as we thought that this question needed a deatiled explaination for point made. So it would be subtence over style.

For question 3 we decided to base it around Big Brother and having the target audience being in the diary room. By using this style we were able to have the target audience deicussing our video and what we could do to improve it. Then as a group we talk about the results of the target audience feedback and how we acted on it, from our rough cut to our final cut. We also decided to use the green screen for this questiopn as well.  

Friday 12 December 2014

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction andresearch, planning and evaluation stages?

Within this question, it will be split into different sections. One section will be Matty talking over a screen cam of what he is doing using a running commentary. This meant that the audience can see what he used during the filming process. It also allows them to see personally how he achieved some of the effects used in the video. This will be shown step by step.

When it comes to the section about the products used to film, we will use the antiques roadshow parody. The parody will be ironic as its stereo typically for the older generation and talking about antiques, where as the products we are using will be almost all modern.

We will be filming this question and also question 1 at the same time due to them being the longest questions and involving the most information.