Friday 12 December 2014

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction andresearch, planning and evaluation stages?

Within this question, it will be split into different sections. One section will be Matty talking over a screen cam of what he is doing using a running commentary. This meant that the audience can see what he used during the filming process. It also allows them to see personally how he achieved some of the effects used in the video. This will be shown step by step.

When it comes to the section about the products used to film, we will use the antiques roadshow parody. The parody will be ironic as its stereo typically for the older generation and talking about antiques, where as the products we are using will be almost all modern.

We will be filming this question and also question 1 at the same time due to them being the longest questions and involving the most information.

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