Tuesday 2 December 2014

Photoshopping Lewis's Head

As the inside cover was the band walking towards the audience. A lot of the feedback that I had informally received in class said that Lewis's Head should of been facing the audience. As we did not have an image of the 3 band members looking up with Lewis doing the same, I took to photo shop in order to edit one of the images I had of Lewis looking up into the photo in which I wanted to use.

I first of all select the photo that I wanted to transfer and copied Lewis's head to the other image by using the selection tool. Screenshot below.

This allowed me to copy the image over the image. I then changed the colour of the image which was currently just a layer sitting on top of the image with the other band member looking the correct way. I used the adjustments within photoshop to do so. This is shown below in a print screen too. 

After carrying this out I resized the head that was on top of the image I wanted to fit Lewis Body in order to make the new head look realistic. This was difficult however it was manageable. 

I created a mask then to blend the likes of his neck into the skin and also this allowed me to match the brick work again as this would of been in a different formation to the other image. The mask looked like this: 
To edit the mask, I used the white brush to get rid of anything that I did not want to be seen and also the black to show things from the layer I was editing. This would allow it too be seen. It was possible to change the brush size in order to make the editing easier and look smoother. 

The Before and After of the photos are shown below. 



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