Monday 15 December 2014

Filming Question two and three

Today, we started and finshed filming question two and three. For question 2 we used the green screen as this questions is all about how the digipak and advert reinforces the conventions used in the music video. By using the green screen we were able to point to different principles on the products being talked about, to be able show the examiner excatly what we mean. We decided not to base it around a tv show or movies etc, as we thought that this question needed a deatiled explaination for point made. So it would be subtence over style.

For question 3 we decided to base it around Big Brother and having the target audience being in the diary room. By using this style we were able to have the target audience deicussing our video and what we could do to improve it. Then as a group we talk about the results of the target audience feedback and how we acted on it, from our rough cut to our final cut. We also decided to use the green screen for this questiopn as well.  

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