Monday 1 December 2014

Creating the Logo Arrow

I created the logo using Fireworks. This was a graphic software which I was very familiar with due to taking ICT for many years. After carrying out the target research, the clear winner was our favourite also, this was definitely a benefit as it meant that i got to create the one I felt was the best also.

I downloaded a font from which allowed me to type the band name in. This was called Revolution. I added this font to fireworks and then began to make an arrow.

The Screen cam below shows how I made the arrow on the logo. I found the arrow on Google, and replicated it onto fireworks, this was only the arrow head and from here I then added more black lines to extend the arrow so that it filled the top of the EXODUS text. This is demon straight below in the video by using the small rectangle tool from the vector box. I used a fill of 2 and the colour black to do this.

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