Sunday 16 November 2014

16th November Filming Session

In today's filming session we decided that we would film one of the section of the narrative where we finally meet the character's mum. These show the real root of the boy's insercurtities about dance, which start with his mother unacceptance of his passion for dance. Our location for these scenes was a house in West Monkseaton. As a group we decided that this house would be a great location has it would be free to use (as it was one our members of the group's house) and it was in a surban area which would be relatable to our target audince as they would feel like that this could be happening to be around them and maybe including their friends!
Lighting played a major role in this filming shoot, as we wanted to create a grey and dark atmosphere which would reflect the life of this boy. In which we want it to be very somber and uncolourful. We used many LED lights to be able to create this affect of dark lighting but still be able to highlight our actors. Furthermore, by using LED lights it will stop the footage from going yellowy and give the grey affect.
In this filming session we didn't really use much equpitment to be able to give a hand-held affect. The only equpiment we used was the camera, tripod and the LED lights. The reason why we decided to film these scenes hand-held was that we want to feel like the audience will be following the events of the character, unfolding right in front of them. Below is some pictures taken from the location...

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