Monday 3 November 2014

3rd November Filming

In this filming session, we decided to shoot most of the solo dance scenes for a music video. The location we used for this filming session was the drama studio in school. We decided to use this location as we had the asset of the lighting box which we could experiment with lights to create some amazing shots. Furthermore, we could put our spotlight onto our main dancer to create the sense that he was isolated. Additionally, we used different piece of equpiment to create some close-ups, high and low angles.

The first piece of equpiment we used was the shoulder mount. This piece of equpuiment was vital to this shoot as we could create shots that were up close and personal with our main dancer to show his angry towards the situation that he faces in the narrative. Furthermore, the shoulder mount also helped in this shoot to stop the footage looking too shaky but sgill make the footage look handheld and gritty.

Another piece of equpiment we used was the crane. This was used to create ver high low angle long shots to show a bird's eye view of the dance sequences we filmed. One shot we used this technique in was where our dancer did a double pirouette. This would look amazing as we could speed up or slow down the clip. However, we did run into some trouble as it was very hard to keep in focus as the camera was so high up.

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