Saturday 29 November 2014

Band Logo Research- OASIS

The oasis logo is very simple and plan. It involves two colours which make it stand out however it entails the stereotypical dull and minimalist colour scheme that most bands go for. I decided to use this convention with the logo, as I felt it was more recognizable and looked more professional. The bold text in the middle of the rectangle stood out against the background and was bold enough to see without the rectangle also. I will use a a bold font for the name of the band when creating ours as it looks more professional and will also more recognition for the band as it can be seen more.

I like how the outside of the logo is a box and then another box as it compliments each other, enabling it to stand out on a white background and any poster it would be put on. I will take this on board when creating the logo as it ensures that the logo stands out against the page. I will use a simple vector shape in order to do this.

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