Friday 7 November 2014

Magazine Advertisment : Kasabian

The main image on this magazine advert is the majorlty the whole page. By the designer placing the image like this, it suggests to the reader that this image is very important to the band and it could even be the album cover. Furthermore, this image has many different rich colours in it. By doing this it makes the image pop out from the plain background. This could infer to the reader that this band could have many different aspects to it. In our magazine advet we would not use a very colourful image as we want a band's brand to be very dark and mysterious and if we used a colourful image it was suggest the complete opposite. 
On this magazine advert it has many reviews underneath the main image. Both of these reviews are five star. The colour of the font of the reviews it same shade of red to the bow that has the name of the album on it. By doing this it connects the two together and shows to the reader that the reviews are about this album. In our magazine advert for our music video we could use this idea of joining very important parts of the review using the same colour. As this draws the reader's attensionm straight away towards the most important parts of the advert.
The name of the band 'Kasabian' is plastered across the main image. By the designer of the advert using this technique on the advert it gets straight to the point of who this advert is for and catches the eye of the reader as well. Futhermore, the font of the name is in a contrasting font compared to the photo. As the main image is tradtional and the font is very gritty and unique. This could suggest to the reader that the band is controversal and are pushing the normal acceptence. We could use this idea of contrasting the image and the font to suggest a brand of the band, as it could show our band as mysterious, which is what we want.

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