Monday 24 November 2014

Creating the Digipak

The digipak was straight forward to make, I used a template which had the stereotypical conventions of a digipak, which was 4 panes. The four panes, would be front cover, inside cover, the disc and then the back cover. After carrying out the research at the start of the project, we easily recognized the regular conventions of the indie genre. This allowed us to replicate a similar digipak that would suit the genre.

I was in charge of making the Digipak and advert, Throughout the digipak, I used a minimal colour scheme using the colours of the bands logo, red, white and black. I also incorporated a dark grey for the background of two of the panes as this still remained minimalist and fitted well with the background. It was important to make the digipak look as professional as possible and so that it fitted in with regular conventions of an indie band.

I made a small plan of the way I wanted to lay out the digipak so that it matched a number of others bands conventions.

Bottom Left Pane: Songs on the Album including Bonus Track
Bottom Right Pane: Image on Front Cover
Top Left Pane: The CD disc.
Top Right Pane: Inside Cover which would be an image of the band.

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