Wednesday 12 November 2014

Band logo

Over the past week, our group member, Bethany has created our band in our music video's logo. This logo was first sketched by hand. Then digital drawn on Adobe Fireworks using many different tools to create a professional and unique logo. As well as the logo maybe making apprentice on the digipak and advert, it will be use as a skin for the bass drum in our final cut to make our band look real. Furthermore, the logo Bethany has created will give our band a brand and an image. This will reinforce the idea of our band's image of being very cool, indie and mysterious towards our target audience. On the logo we decided that an across should be included in the logo as the word 'Exodus' mean the departure of people and this is linked with the meaning of the 'Tiptoe'. As the lyrics show connotations with people escaping from social norms and being free and their own person. We used black and red in the logo as we wanted to make sure that the name Exodus pops out and to make sure that the audience is catcher by this name. Below is a photo of our logo being computerised. 


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