Friday 7 November 2014

Magazine Advertisement: Florence & The Machine

The name of the artist is at the top of the advert. The font of the text is very floaty and curled. This suggests to the reader of the magazine that the artist is very relaxed and alternative. Furthermore, this font creates an image for the artist and makes them more memorable towards their target audience. In our magazine advert for the music video we could use the technique of creating a brand. If we followed through with this idea we would use the brand throughout the magazine advertisement and the digipak. 

This picture of the digipak covers most of the advert and also is placed in the center. By the designer placing the image in this way, this infers to the reader that the image of the digipak is the most important thing on magazine advertisement. Furthermore, the placement of the image maskes it very eyecatching towards the reader. In our magazine advert for the music video we will probably place our main image of the front cover of the digipak as this is a main convention of a magazine advert for an album.

 In addtition, at the bottom of the magazine advert the designer has included the formats of what the album will come in. By doing this it can show the reader what type of artist they are. For example, this advert for Florence and the Machine the format for the album comes in CD, deluxe CD, vinyl and digital. From showing this on advert it gives the reader vital information as well as suggesting to the reader that this artist is quite alternative as there album will be avaible on vinyl. On our advert, we could use this technique to show the artist's genre. As our band's image is dark, mysterious and is serious about there music.

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