Friday 7 November 2014

Magazine Advert Research: The Killers

The main image on this The Killers album advert is the actually the album cover. Which is the majority of the advert. By doing, it will make the reader remember this album cover, causing the reder to associate the colours and the texture with this advert. Furthermore, there is a gradient from the album cover to black, which will stop the reader from getting distracted with other bold colours.  In our magazine advert we will probably use the same idea of placing the digipaks front cover as the main image, as we want to be able to make the examiners remember us out of many magazine adverts.
The name of the band is plastered across the advert in a bold font and a contrasting colour to the background. By the desginer of the advert formulating it this way, it will be able to show a contrast between the layers of the advert. In our advert, will probably not make the name of the bands colours and fonts too contrsting as we want to be able to maintain a house style that matches our digipak as well.
However, on this advert they have not added in reviews for this album which is subverting the usual convention. By the designer not adding in these features it will cause the reader to be very mysterious of the album as there is no real insight into the album. On our advert we could use this idea as an image we want to be able to portray is that our band is very mysterious and serious about there music.

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