Friday 24 October 2014

Booking Cameras and Equipment

Sheets were provided by Mr Converey to book cameras and equipment, these were vital for filming otherwise the shoots could not go ahead. We planned ahead in order to secure ourselves the relevant equipment. This way the group was organised and ahead of other groups who may of wanted to use the equipment. 

We planned to film the solo dance in school in the drama studio- This will be filmed on Monday the 27th. The cameras have been booked today for this day so they are secure.  

Band performance in a hired space called Haults Yard, this is booked out for 12th of November which gives us plenty of time to book the equipment and cameras. 

Group dance in Stages School of dance, the final streets scenes were also shot this day also. We are filming this scenes on 13th of November which gives us time to also book the equipment. This is vital as it is a major scene within the video. 

Roof Scenes on a friends balcony- we asked Liam if it was OK to film this scene using his balcony as it was in the perfect location. He said Yes and we arranged the date. We decided to film on the 11th of November as this allows us plenty of time to book equipments and also film the bullying scene, which we decided to also film the same day. We will be going to Liam's house at 3:30 so that it is not too dark and not too lights. The bullying scene will be in the subway which we will arrive to start filming at 2:30 so its still light outside but still gloomy and dull. 

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