Tuesday 21 October 2014

Fourth Filming Session

Today's filming session consisted of the bullying scene within the music video. Location we used was the Monkseaton underpass. This location was great to film these scenes as it is usually very dark and vandalised, so this will add to the affect of the boy in our video being absued and neglected. Furthermore, this location is iconic and is known to be dirty and neglected so many people will understand that this location is dangerous and if often home to troubled youths. Today we used many different types of equipment such as: the shoulder mount and the LED light. By using the shoulder mount, it creates shot that look handheld but stop the footage from looking too distorted and hard to understand what is going on. We used it to shoot scenes of our actors walking all the street to create low and high angles. In this filming session we used the LED light to create spotlight lighting on our main actor after he was pushed around. Furthermore, the LED light stopped the footage from becoming yellow. This would of happened if we just used them natural light in the underpass. Below is an image of the equipment we used in the session! 

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