Wednesday 15 October 2014

Second filming session...

Today we planned to film some of our Band Performance during school time. Most of our chosen members were able to turn up and had wore the correct clothing like we had asked them which was much appreciated. Unfortunately, our band member who was supposed to be our Lead Singer (Liam Moore) was unable to make the shoot but hadn't warned us before hand! After a bit of time trying to get in touch with Liam we came to an emergency conclusion of finding a new Lead Singer in a very small amount of time, as we needed something for our rough cut! 
Luckily Lewis Harper was able to come down for an hour to do as much filming as we had time for, and surprisingly, knew the song lyrics. 
In the end of the shoot I found we were particularly successful considering an hour before that we didn't have a Lead Singer. We came out with a variety of different shots and a fair amount of footage of the band with the help of 2 Cameras, a Crane, and the Dolly. However well our rough cut comes out to be, we will later decide if we will change the Lead or not. 

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