Thursday 9 October 2014

Meet the dancers

These are our dancers Ella Reveley, Lizzy Drew and Laura Young who are all 17. One of our dancers Ella is actually in our group for this project so she was easy to be avalible. Ella has danced from an age of 4 and wants to persue a career in dance/musical theatre, so this project is a great oppirtunity to develop her portfolio. One of our other dancers, Lizzy as also danced since the age of 4 and also want to persue a career in perofrming arts/dance. As she is auditioning for drama schools in London, she jumped at the chance to be able to have this on her portfolio for when she auditioning to drama schools in London. Our last dancer is laura. She has also danced since the age of 2. Laura is also auditioning for drama schools next year as she want to take up a career in musical theatre. 

The girls will be playing the part of being angels in the final scenes of the music video. They are vital in these final scenes as they will be dancing with david, in which they will be in heaven.

The role suited the girl fantastically as they are all amazing dancers and they all are very strong. We arranged their first shoot at Stages School of Dance in North Shields, which is the start of the roughcut filming.

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