Monday 13 October 2014

The Band

Today, we decided the band and received conformation that they were all confident and willing to do it. The band is now made up off 5 people, Ross Wall- Base, Ed Thompson- Guitar, Liam Moore- Singer, Liam Marriott- Keyboard and Matty Marshall- Drums. We have decided that the band will wear all black, belt, including t-shirts, black jeans  and any sort of dark shoes excluding trainers. We will add some colour to the bands face by using bronzer to make their faces sharper. Hairstyles will be messy and young, replicating the a messy boy band look. 

The bands formation when filming will replicate a triangle. 

         {front of stage}

          Singer (Liam) 
         Guitar (Ed)                                    Base (Ross) 

 Keyboard (Liam Marriott)                                                Drums (Matty) 

This way everyone can be seen in the shot and the focus of the shot will be the singer which is usual when looking at other bands music videos. This way the shot shows the band clearly and in an  organised clear way. 

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