Thursday 30 October 2014

Rough Cut Feedback

Today we received our constructive feedback for our rough music video. We plan to make sure we take everything into account so we improve our video as much as we can for our final cut. We have been advised and all agree that we need to do a 100% reshoot, to make sure every piece of camera work is spot on, in terms of focus, positioning and that we include a large variety of shots and angles. This would push us to be able to reach or deadline for a final cut on November 26th, however everything definitely needed to be reach our target grade of an  A for out music video.

Camera Angles, Shots, Movement

  • 'Try not to reuse the same shots'- For out final cut we has designed a plan to add more movement into static shots to make the audience feel like they are following the action in the narrative and performance. Furthermore, we were rushed for time nearer to the deadline of the rough cut from numerous of problem, however we are going to make sure that we film at least twice a week to make sure we have plenty of time for editing, digipak and advert.

  • 'Shaky footage must go' - For our final cut we are going take much more footage so we aren't stuck with certain piece of footage that aren't up to the standard we want it to be.


  • 'Editing is a real strength' - We wanting to concentrate and get a majority of the editing done to be able to just slot of footage into place. In addition, we wanted to be able to focus mainly on getting great footage which is perfect and excatly want we want. 
Mise en Scene: Lighting/Location/Costume

  • 'Change the location for the performance' - As we used the drama studio for the band performance scene, we want to try to contact a proffessional studio for our final cut. This would let us to experiment with different piece of equpiment at a professional level.

  • 'Costume of band needs to change' - As we were rushed for time in our rough cut we were only able to do one shoot of the band performance. This meant that we could only use the footage from that shoot even if we weren't happy with it. For our final cut we will fully think what each band member will wear and use conventions of indie bands.


  • 'Lead singer performs well' - For our final cut we have decided a to use the same people for band as they work well and fit the image of our band. Our lead singer has done drama in the past which is an added bonus, which help us to make the band performance look more believable.

  • 'More expression needed from all band members' - For our final cut we will add new elements to our band performance which will give direction to the band members on their personas and actions. 

  • 'Narrative needs more elements to it' - For our final cut we are going to add new strands to our narrative that will contribute to the events in the last scene. 

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