Thursday 9 October 2014

What Makes a A Standard Advert

Another part of this A2 media coursework project, as well as creating a music video, as a group we must create a advert for a magazine that will advertise our digipak. These adverts in the real world are very important as they will advertise their digipaks in big music magazine causing the digipak to be shown to a mass audience. There are many different factors that will contribute to creating an A standard advert. The first factor is that the advert is normally portait within a magazine. Designer usually create adverts like this as it is cheaper to advertise in magazine as it will only take up one page of a magazine. As this is one of the main conventions of an advert for the digipak, so when creating the advert the desinger must follow this convention to make it look proffessional. Another factor to make a successful advert is that the advert must present the digipak on the advert. The digipak is mostly shown as the main image. By placing the digipak as the main image it will make the reader of the magazine interested in the product being sold by it been so boldly shown. Furthermore, it will make the image memorable to the reader, so when they see the advert on someother media platform is causes them to assoicate the image with the band.

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