Friday 10 October 2014

Magazine Advertisement Research: You Me at Six

The band's name 'You Me At Six' is the center of the advert. It seems to be in black spray paint which makes it stand out from the white strip behind it. This brings automatic direct attention to the title and the song's name under it. In this advert, rather than having an image of the band they have an image of clouds and flours flourishing out in colour. This could perhaps symbolize that they are progressing and growing. This image is also used on their album cover. They may have done this to create familiarity. The album release date is essential for a magazine advert. The date is the same size font as the band's name and is a different colour, to show it's importance. At the bottom of the magazine, there is a web address and where the album is available. This could be a form of synergy between '' and the the band label.

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