Monday 13 October 2014

Filming 13th October

In today's shoot, the group filmed the scenes of when our actor is in the house and on the street. The location of this shoot was on a street in West Monkseaton. We decided this would be a good place as it is a very suburban area, which would be very relatable to a 'normal' human being. Furthermore, it suited the mood of narrative being very stoereotypical of a boy dancing. In this filming day we went to another location to achieve a final scenes of our music video. The location was a high balconied house right on the sea-front of Whitley Bay. We choose this location as we could achieve amazing establishing and high level shots without putting our actor in danger.

 Addtitonally, we used lots of different types of equipment to achieve the most unique and innoavtive shots. One of the piece of equpiment we used was a LED light. This was very helpful for the sots we wanted as we were filming outside. The LED light stopped our footage from being too dark or yellowy because of the natural light. We attached the LED light to the top of the camera to be able to use the tracking technique outside on our actor with good lighting.

Furthermore, for lighting we used a pair of red heads for inside scenes. The pair of red heads were very influencal to create some good lit shoots, as we used them to spotlight our actor. However, from trying to achieve a spot light for our actor it caused the room to be very bright, which was not what we were looking for. As we wanted the lighting to be quite dark and vunerable in this shot.

Moveover, in this shoot we used the crane to achieve some low angled pans. This piece of equpiment was very useful to us as we could achieve slow pans to create amazing estblishing shots. Futhermore, the crane was also useful as we could create some very creative POV shots. These would be very influencal in our music video as it could show the actors action in our final scene.

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