Monday 29 September 2014

DigiPak Research - The Script - Science & Faith

The colour scheme is very simplistic as the the main colours are brown, creams and blacks which are faded which works really well. The colour scheme could relate to the idea of the songs and the lyrics  could be based on past experiences. Furthermore, this could suggest to the buyer that this album is very personal towards the band.In addition, this colour scheme shows the band to be earthy and pure. In our final digipak, we could use this idea of faded colours as the song we have chosen 'tiptoe' is interpreted as leaving all your problems and insecurities behind. However, this colour scheme shows The Script to have calm and relaxed music, whereas the song we have chosen it heavily produced and dynamic.  

The front cover photo is a close-up of the script's lead singer and two mid-shots of the two other band members, in the distance. By having a close up of the lead singer this is very conventional as the lead singer of a band is usually the most famous and influential. This close-up of the lead singer could also mean that he has wrote all the songs and this album is very personal to him. In our digipak, we could use this technique of photography to show the lead singer as the most important person in the band. However, the song we have chosen is very instrument based and many band members, so it might be a better idea to keep the whole band on the same level.

Additionally, the two photos on the back cover and the front of the lyric book are position. The positions of the hands in the booklet and the back cover suggests that the album is very emotional and 'holding on' to something. Furthermore, it infers to the buyer that this album is about love, as hands holding is usual a symbol of love, protection and unity. The images we will use in our digipak will not be of this type as our song is about escaping social norms and not about love and heartbreak. On the other hand, we could use symbolism to portray to the buyer the mood and feel of the album and the music included in it.  

Furthermore, the colour black used on the actual CD disk has been used in there generic font which they usually use for the band's promotion. In addition the black contrasts with the faded brown. This colour also links to the black clothing worn by the band. By doing this it makes the whole digipak link together and make it more rounded. Moreover, the black used on the whole album suggests to the buyer that there is a darker side to the band and the songs produced put on the album. In Exodus' digipak we could use the technique of colours contrasting to show a darker side in music as the song we have chosen 'tiptoe' by Imagine Dragons has deeper undertones. Furthermore, in our music video we have a primary idea we want the band and the actors to wear dark clothing, so it could link with the photos used in the digipak.   

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