Tuesday 30 September 2014

Location Ideas

In our group we have many ideas for locations to use throughout our music video. We must be very selective when choosing locations as it can set the mood for the whole music video. As our video is probably more narrative then performance we must have similar locations in colour and mood. Below are photos of some locations we may use in our music video.

Our first idea for a location in our music video is the crypt in Seaton Delaval. If we use this it will be only used for the performance of the band in the music video. We want to use this building as a location as it shows signs of neglect and vandalism, which ties nicely in with our narrative as the boy is neglected and beaten down about his interest in dance. This building is also looks amazing with the correct lighting and camera work as seen above in this photo. Furthermore, the location expresses the theme in our band idea of the band wearing dark clothing and looking 'grungy'.

Our second idea for a location in our music video is stage school of dance studio. Where we will be using the inside and outside of the studios. This location would be used in the narrative as this is would be where we would shoot the dance scenes as the studio inside is very open and light. Furthermore, this studio is placed in a urban area, therefore we can link the boy's house to the studio. Also, this building is Victorian so this location can also look neglected and old. 

 Our third idea for location for our music video is the St Mary's asylum in Stannington. We could use this location for both narrative and performance. This location would be very good to use as it is very neglected and vandalized, which follows our narrative of the boy straying from 'social norms'. As one of the points of the narrative is that he is trapped in this mental state of dance, which could be connected to being trapped in this mental asylum. For the performance side of the video, this location could be used to contrast with the urban location that the narrative is used in.   


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