Monday 22 September 2014

Digipak Research - Rihanna - Loud

The digipak has a consistent theme running throughout of flowers. The digipak unfolds first with the artist lying on a bed of roses, suggesting the meaning of the songs on the album are mostly about love and romance. Roses are commonly a metaphor these themes. The floral theme then runs onto the actual CD itself which is a pale pink rose as well following the theme throughout. However with the drastic change in colour on the CD it could suggest an innocent of love to the album instead of the harsh red colour suggesting dangerous.
 I think that this creates a pattern within the digipak and by having a theme it allows the digipak to look more professional and together. It also allows the audience to understand Rihanna's album more before even listening to the album.

The colors within the album are mostly red. This works well with the title of the album 'LOUD' as it is a bright and vibrant colour, exaggerating the 'LOUD' on the front cover of the digipak. The front cover is straight forward with a close up shot of Rihanna. 

The photo of Rihanna is seductive as she is wearing red lips suggesting this. The main focus of this photo is Rihanna, this could also have a deeper meaning that the album is all about her which could excite the audience as her fans want to know more about her. I feel this could be a good way to excite the audience when buying the album as they can uncover for themselves who EXODUS are. Using hidden meanings behind the image add more mystery to the album. 

The typography within the front cover, is not as loud as the other colours, this looks good as the actual title of the album is the weakest point, it almost contrasts within the name it self that the text is white and barely noticeable suggesting that the songs within the album are a front that the artist puts on, just like the red colours on the outside of the album however the inside is pink suggesting Rihanna's image is a front. 

The back cover is a message from Rihanna to the audience, written by herself that uncovers what each of the songs mean and who they were written for. This is a personal touch as it gives the audience a sense as to what Rihanna was writing the songs for and what she was going through, this helps audiences understand her more. the images on the back are seductive and will catch male attention. She is dressed in white suggesting an innonence to her persona and creates more of a persona as the images on the album are all of her. The ongoing pink theme continues to the back, where no red is used, this further suggests to sides to the star that is effective. 

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