Sunday 28 September 2014

Ideas and Inspiration

As we want our music video to have some sort of dance orientation to the narrative we must look at dance films and other dance orientated music videos. So, we must look at these examples for ideas and inspiration for choreography, mise en scene, editing and camera shots, movement and angles.

 One of the examples I look at was clips on YouTube was a clip of a dance scene from the dance film franchise Step-Up. Below is the clips I watched...


From these two clips the choreography is shown to be very free flowing and suggest that their dancing is 'improvised'. This could suggest to the audience that these dancers are very passionate about dance and it is their life. Furthermore, the choreography infers to the audience that the choreography is reflecting the emotions of the dancers. In our music video, we could use this idea of the choreography is affected by the emotion of the dancers and the events that are unfolding in their lives. 

  Great Camera Angles 

In these films there are many different camera angles used to show the spectacle of the dance sequences. One of the most impressive shots used in the first clip is a great master shot of the whole dance cast. As well as this shot showing the dancers in action, it shows the location of the film to be very vibrant and colourful,  which reflects the style of dance choreographed as it is very dynamic and innoative. Furthermore, this shot shows the costume of each dancer, which will firstly introduce the personality and their own individual style. Another shot from the second video which striking is a slow motion long-shot of a man doing an impressive trick in the rain. This shot is exercuted brillantly as the water on him spills rapidly which gives an namazing affect. Furthermore as the shot bring in slow motion it shows the trick and its diffculty to the viewer. In our music video we could use slowmotion to show an amazing trick of the dancer to show thew spectacle to the audience.

Mise En Scene

As both of these films are shot with people supposly being 'disadvanged' or 'rebelius' and the costumes used in both of these films suggest. For example, the girls are shown to be in hoodies and cropped 'jeany' pants. Furthermore, the makeup used in these two scenes is very natural and neutral. This could be good inspiration for our music video as we want our main character to be very absued and unhealthy. In addition, the lighting used throughout these two scenes are either dark or the lighting is very natural. This is a good idea for our music video as we want our music video to be relastic and not artifical.

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