Monday 29 September 2014

Narrative Ideas

We had a number of different concepts that we wanted to carry out within the music video. The first one was the idea of multiple narratives of people standing out from the crowd and not conforming to social norms. There was the idea that this concept would allow us to have multiple stories which would excite the audience and keep them interested as someone would be able to relate to one at least. However this idea we feel would be too hard to get all the narratives across and make them all expanded so that the audience understood what the video was about. It felt like the narratives would be rushed unlike if we were to do just one main narrative. 

The idea we finally decided on, was one that we all feel we could do well and offer a passionate music video. The final idea is about a young boy who loves to dance contemporary. Dancing this style is not seen as normal judging by the every day boy. The boy is not accepted by friends or family and offer finds it hard to fit in to every day life. The boy (played by David Jackson) manages to disappear from the rest of the world by transporting into a mental state of dance where nothing is important other than himself and the music. The story leads on to more traumatic times when he realizes his life would not be worth living if he was not to dance. The story ends positively however with a twist on the audience questioning whether or not the boy did take his own life.

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