Saturday 13 September 2014

The Do's and Don't's of a Music Video


  •   Research music videos in the same genre of music to your artist or band - Music videos usually conventions that should be follow for each genre to be able to tell the difference with each other. 
  • Make sure the narrative of the music video is clear - If the narrative is not clear within a music video, the audience could beome confused on what is going on. This could cause them to lose interest in the music video.
  • Make sure that the narrative of the music video is unique - If the narrative is just a copy of an another music video, this will be marked down by the examiner.
  •  Have good lighting Good lighting is probably the single biggest determining factor in the quality of your video image. Well-lit subjects shot with an average camera will produce a better picture than poorly-lit subjects shot with a high-quality camera.
  •  Vary your shotsVariety keeps your audience awake. Use a variety of shots, including long shots, medium shots and close-ups. Use shots that show motion rather than just a static image of someone talking. Edit with a flow and a pace in mind. Add background music, making sure it's properly balanced to emphasize the narration or voiceover. 

  • Don't be too static Avoid showing just a single person sitting in front of a camera talking.
  • Don't be too restless Constant zooming, panning or cutting between moving shots can give your viewer a headache. Mix motion with easy-to-view still shots to keep audience interest and focus.
  • Don't say everythingLet the visuals tell some of the story. If you can show it, don’t say it. It makes for more interesting video.

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