Monday 15 September 2014

Target Audience Feedback For Music Video

Today I created a survey with questions about music videos from our target audience from 16-20 year olds. Receiving feedback from our target audience is great to help us develop ideas for when we create our storyboards and start to film our rough cut of the music video.Below are photos of the survey I gave to our target audience. 

From the results we got I decided to created some pie charts to make it simpler to what feedback we got and to be able to apply it to our music video. Below are some of the most important questions asked on the survey.  

This was just a simple question to help us see what females and males likes and dislikes in a music videos and the contrasts between genders. 

From this question the feedback is that our target audience prefers a music video to mainly be narrative instead of spectacle or performance. We now must take this into consideration when creating our storyboard, that it is narrative dominant. However, we still need to have performance of the band or artist as we need to be able to create a brand. 

From this question the feedback is that our target audience enjoy a lead singer which engages with the audience. From this feedback we can certainly say that the lead singer needs to be confident and to be able to look right into the camera and give eye contact to the viewer and make them believe his personality. 

From this question, the feedback we got off our target audience was very mixed, so we can have a lot of freedom in how we film our music video.

From this question, the feedback we got was that our target audience like a video that has more natural tones to it. For example, scenic shots outside with natural light instead of shots in a studio with artificial lighting.  


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