Tuesday 30 September 2014

What Makes a A Standard Storyboard

Before any filming of the music video takes place we musty create a full drafted storyboard with colour and explanations. There are many different factors that will be needed to be able to create a A grade standard storyboard. 

The factor is tat the storyboard always must be detailed. As this is really the first draft of what you want the music video to look like each shot and editing sequences that will be included in the video. Furthermore, if storyboards are not detailed it may create confusion when it comes to filming certain shots because the director will not be able to understand the drawings of no caption is given. 

Another factor to create a successful story board that camera angles and movement must be shown. By doing this it will show our director what type of pace of editing and camera movements we want. Furthermore, it will make it a lot more simpler and quicker to shoot things. 

Another factor which will make an A grade storyboard is if the lyrics are shown on the storyboard, especially on performance scene of the band. This will make it much easier when it come to filming it as we will be able to know which scene goes with which section of the song. 


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