Thursday 25 September 2014

Music Video Research - The Script's Superheroes

At the start the video starts off showing the surrounding area which loos like the slums in parts of Africa. For this section of the video all the footage looks like it is filmed on a handheld camera or a stead-cam. By using types of camera movement it gives a sense to the audience that these locations are poverty stricken and very run down. This idea of the location can link to the name of the song 'superheroes' as the people living in these towns/villages go through so much, such as: illness, violence and low income. In our music video we could use the technique of using different camera movements to show sadness and neglect as our main narrative is about abuse. However, where we are thinking of filming in a very urban area so it wouldn't give the same affect.

Furthermore, at the start of the video they use many wide- shot to show the location and the day-to-day lives these people live. This creates a little in-site to the people in the video lives, as the video shows the location to be neglected. In addition, this links to the song's name superheroes, as they are shown to be living in poverty. In our music video, we could use wide-shots to set the mood of the video and show the life of our main actor in the narrative. However, we would use wide shot to show the vandalized locations instead of poverty. 

Additionally, mise-en-scene plays a big role in the video, for showing the true meaning of the song's name 'superheroes'. One of the most affected pieces of mise-en-scene is the use of costume. One point in the video the man takes off his suit jacket and puts on old clothes and starts working on the rubbish site. This infers to the audience that the man is 'ashamed' of his real job. This reinforces the meaning of the song that there is always light at the tunnel, in any situation. In our music video we are going to use mise-en-scene to show the change in attitude of the actor. However, instead of costume, we are going to use colour to show our actor changing in mood throughout the story.

In the Script's music video, the editor has used a range of techniques. One of the most striking editing techniques used the fast paced takes. By editing this video this way, it matches the song's pace. So when the chorus is being played the takes are very quick and when the song slows down the scene are edited much slower. By matching the takes with the song it makes the audience more engaged with the story. This song we have chosen for our music video is very fast paced the whole way through so we will have to use fast editing in our music video to match the song.           


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