Tuesday 23 September 2014

What Makes a A Standard Digipak

As part of this music video project we have create a full digipak with a front cover, inside cover, back cover spine and cd. There are five main factors that are needed to create a A standard digipak. The first main factor of an A standard digipak is that the digipak needs a brand image. This is needed on a digipak as it will help the buyer to associated certain images and colours. Furthermore, this will make the band more memoriable. The second main factor needed on a digipak to make a successful one is that it must match the conventions of the genre of music of the band. For example, an indie band will have dark colours with pictures of the band with instruments. On the other hand, an R&B artist's digipak would have conventions of graffiti and the mise en scene of the costumes being very laid back. By having conventions in a digipak it helps the buyer to distinguish which genre of music the band or artist. In addition, creative artwork is also a main factor for a successful digipak. By having creative artwork in a digipak can make it eye-catching and original causing the buyer to want to go over and look at the digipak, this could mean that the buyer could purchase the digipak. Additionally, another factor is is that the digipak must be most detailed on the back cover. This is a major convention of digipaks as it shows the track list and credentials. By adding this onto the digipak it will make it look much more professional. The final factor that makes a digipak successful is that the house style must be consistant. By included this in the digipak will make the digipak more connected together and stop it from looking tacky and random. 

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